FAQ - Chancre
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how soon does a cold sore or chancre symptom start appearing or occuring?

how soon does a cold sore or chancre start occuring or appearing?

You can get the cold sore virus(herpes virus) and not have a cold sore for along time until it overcomes your immune system, like when your body is week when you have a cold or when you don't sleep enough. The cold sore virus doesn't die, it will just lay dormant until it has a chance to emerge.  (+ info)

can you transmit a syphilis chancre to your self?

just wondering. if you have a chancre on you and you touch it with your finger or anyother part of your body, will another chancre develop where it touched?

No, you cannot disseminate chancres to other parts of your body.

Syphilis left untreated will progress to secondary and ultimately tertiary stages. Tertiary syphilis is termed neurosyphilis and is usually fatal.   (+ info)

Can you get a chancre in your pubic area?

Im really scared i might have syphilis is this where its soppose to be?

You will get a Chancre wherever the Syphilis entered the body,So yes it could be on your pubic area.
Don't be letting people on yahoo answers diagnose you though..We are not Doctors!

Even if it is syphilis it's not the end of the world and it's easily treated! Go and see your Dr or go to your nearest GUM clinic.

It could be a number of things causing a sore... Fungus, bacterial infection. You wont know until you get checked.  (+ info)

what happens to the chancre of primary Syphilis when the person is treated ?Is it last or even leave a scar?

Im curious to know if the syphilis sore after treatment totally diminish or leave a scar or a mark....if the chancre present in pubic region

As with any other forms of healing, a scar will be left in the area where the chancre is found. But this would usually disappear totally in a matter of 2 weeks.  (+ info)

is a chancre and a wart look similar?

can any type of wart or chancre that look very similar? which one is very hard surface to touch at? I have something very tiny and hard surface on my scrotum. I wonder what that was. it does not cause any pain and disappear in a few days and reappear in few days and disappear again. It looks like a pimple but does not cause pain when touch at it.

A wart would not go away and come back like that. Most likely it's just an infected hair follicle. If it continues to bother you, see a doctor.  (+ info)

How do you get rid of chancre sores?

Goldenseal is very useful for mouth and gum problems. Goldenseal contains berberine, an antibiotic with broad spectrum antibacteria and antiprotozoa activity.
Place powdered goldenseal directly on the sore.

Also, you can use a mouthwash of yarrow tea. (1 part juice, 2 parts water)
You can find the juice at health food stores.  (+ info)

whats the difference chancre sores and cold sores?

need to know!
i dont have herpes but have some type of sores in my mouth. i dont know what they are either chancre or cold sores.

Cold sores usually come with some painful itching burning and or tingling sensations under the skin around the mouth. Oral herpes is contagious. They also more commonly affect the out side of the mouth, but they can occur (more rarely) on the inside of the mouth as well.
Canker sores are more of a raised white sore. There is some symptoms like itching and discomfort around where the sore is located. Canker sores commonly affect the inside of soft areas of the mouth. Canker sores can occur when you eat spicy or rough textured foods or from bitting your cheek too much.  (+ info)

what home remidies help mouth sores like chancre sores?

Nothing is open now. I dont have baking stuff on me like baking soda or anything.

I have two massive ones and they hurt like a b**** ones in the lip area just inside mouth, and the other is on the left underside of my tounge. Any good ideas?

salt water DOESNT WORK...alum..its like a seasoning kinda u can get it at almost any grocery store (a white powder) just dab a bit on it and wash ur hands really good cuz u dont want to get it in ur eyes and keep ur mouth open for it to dry on and it will be gone in a few days (unless they are really bad then a week or so?)  (+ info)

What causes (non-std) chancre sores inside the mouth? (Ive gotten them over and over throughout my life- why?)

When you get the virus that causes them it stays in your body and lies dormant till they are triggered. My husband also gets them and sometimes for years they don't appear and then if he gets a cold or goes out in cold weather they reappear  (+ info)

can you get a chancre sore w/o having any type of sexual contact?

I have this redish small dot on me and am very concerned. What r some things commonly confused with chancre sores?

It depends where the sore is on you, if it is on your genitals, then I would have it checked out by a doctor because it could be a STD.  (+ info)

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