FAQ - Burning mouth-syndrom
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How do you neutralize hot sauce if you have already eaten it and it is burning your mouth and tongue?

bread or any drink that's warm to wash it out.

Cold drinks will close up the tastebuds, thus leaving the hot stuff in your tongue to give you something to remember it by.  (+ info)

after eating with a burp a very small part of essence of food wid burning feeling comes in my mouth why ? ?

sometimes it seems acid like liquid is coming in my mouth. As it reaches throat the lower part of throat feels like burning ? What do i do ?

I have gerd which is a severe form of esophageal reflux and NO ONE that gave you a diagnosis seems to have DR. before there name so (Neither do I) I would suggest a trip to YOUR Dr. to diagnose you correctly an make sure that is what you have. Do not eat antacids every day like I did for a year until you have kidney stones LIKE I DID
foolishly I might add. Self diagnosis and Self medicating are a night mare that i would not wish for anyone to try. If left untreated PROPERLY the acid can eat a hole and that is something that you are not at all interested in. It is painful I have added some helpful links below and I hope this helps and PLEASE see your Dr.
Janice  (+ info)

How can i fix my mouth burning from peppers?

Help me now. It said it could last 30 minutes. Pleaseeeeeee

Ice cream

but i love hot and spicy foods and i hate milk
me and my freinds are pepper eaters
and you are what we call a " tender mouth"
just wait untill you go to the bathroom
Muhahahahahahah!  (+ info)

has anyone heard of burning mouth syndrome?

My husband has been suffering from a burning mouth and tongue,(the tongue is no longer pink, it is a reddish color). It seems to get worse as the day goes on. He does have a full set of dentures, is it possible this could be the cause? Any info would be appreciated.

I had what you call Hunter's tongue. A very red tongue that burns when you eat vinegar or anything acid. It ended up to be a symptom of pernicious anemia or Vit B12 deficiency. Get his level checked it is a simple lab test. It sounds very much like this.  (+ info)

After eating chilly burning sensation to mouth what is cause? How can we dilute pain?

The burning is caused by Capsaicin. Milk or yogurt will help relieve the pain.  (+ info)

Does burning your mouth regularly increase the likelihood of oral cancer?

Yes and no. I've not seen research that speaks specifically to oral cancer but there has been research that drinking scalding tea increases the risk of esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer was eight times as common among people who drank "very hot" tea, compared to warm or lukewarm tea drinkers.

So no to what most people might think of as oral cancer, mouth or tongue but yes on esophageal. There's more information in the links.  (+ info)

My skin around mouth is burning! What to do?

My skin around lips are burning and red. I have a vertical kind of a cut in the side of my mouth. I've had this before but i just usually cover the symptoms with lip balm, but now i've started to wonder why it happens? Maybe coldness has something to do with it?
But it's really not the lips, but the skin around them mainly? Still the same thing?

  (+ info)

would it harm me if i put out burning matchsticks in my mouth?

yesterday, i taught myself to put out a burning matchstick in my mouth..so, i do it every now and then cuz i find it fascinating :P
would it harm me in any way if i did this once in a while..?
i do a lot more silly things as well.. :D

if worst comes to worst u will burn your tongue. when u do it make sure u have plenty of saliva on your tongue to prevent burns.  (+ info)

have been taking 75mg catapres morn and night ive been getting a burning feeling in my mouth is this normal?

have been taking 75mg catapres morn and night ive been getting burning feeling in mouth is this anything to worry about

if u still have the pack and the leaflet inside, read throug it and check for the sede effects the drug may have. Otherwise, you may be allergic to the drug?

Also check if you have any other symptoms that you may have noticed that are unususl. You may need to see a doctor if all does not sem well  (+ info)

im having lots of pain with acid burning from my stomach to the roof of my mouth?

i have a hiatus hernia and i started nexium tablets 4 month ago but they don't seem to be working, im still taking gaviscon on a night, apart from omeprazole and lansoprazole is there any other medication i could try, im due to see the specialist again in 5 weeks but the pain is unbearable, the specialist has recommended a fundoplication procedure but i feel as if its taking forever.

Diet is probably the only other thing that would be helpful at this point. You're already taking two medications for the acid reflux. Limit spicy foods, eat low-fat foods, avoid acidic foods, too. Orange juice, tomatoes, vinegars, and alcohol can cause an increase in stomach acids.

Eating smaller meals may help as could eating more slowly. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Try to take a brief walk after eating each meal if at all possible. It will help speed digestion & hopefully make the reflux less intense.

Don't lay down for at least at hour after meals, this can cause the reflux to be worse as well. This is especially important in the evening when a lot of us tend to have a snack before bedtime. The fundoplication will probably help, but until then I hope the above ideas give you a little relief. If you're overweight start watching your food intake & get more exercise. Being overweight can make reflux much worse. With 5 weeks to go, call your GP & ask if they have any additional ideas.

I have HORRIBLE reflux, too. My reflux is getting better as I've changed my diet & started losing weight. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. I hope this info helps.  (+ info)

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