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Burning sensation in my mouth after taken out tooth?

I have recently removed my tooth at the dentist and i noticed that there is a burning sensation comming from my mouth not from the tooth which has been removed. it is my whole mouth which is burning. Can anyone suggest any possible cause.

That actually happened to me before and it was because there was an infection present in the tooth/root and when the tooth was pulled the infection spread to the entire gumline. Call dentist and he/she should could you out some antibiotics.  (+ info)

PLEASE HELP NOW!!! I ate really really really hot hotsauce and my mouth is BURNING, how do I make it stop?

Wow it really hurts, I tried milk and while it's in my mouth it's fine and then it hurts again, is there something I can eat that helps at all?
Thanks, I had plain oatmeal and added a little bit of sugar and my mouth feels better. Feel free to answer the question though, so I can use your advice for future reference.

Use the milk, but don't swallow it, rinse and spit, otherwise you're moving the capsaicin further down your throat. You could also try a sugar solution.  (+ info)

What could be the cause of mouth itching/burning after having soy milk or certain fresh fruits?

My lips, gums, and tongue itch and burn very badly when I drink certain brands of soy milk (unflavored), or eat fresh fruit such as bananas or apples (pears have no effect). The fruit has to be fresh - canned or cooked fruit does not have this effect. It's been a problem my whole life, but I've yet to find anyone else who experiences this.

it could be a allergic reaction to these things. i get the same way only when i eat any type of pineapple . bu i still eat it as its so yummy!!!  (+ info)

Why is my mouth red and sore and feels as if it is burning?

ok so my muth is red and i feel as if it is burning, my tongue also, i had 3fillings yesterday, but it started earlier than that i was wondering if this was anything to worry about or will it go? it burns when i eat+drink also


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How do you drink a cup of tea without it burning your mouth?

When ever i make tea, i drink it then it realllyyy burns!

i keep tryin to drink it but its still really hot.
any suggestions?

sip tea.  (+ info)

What's the best method for getting rid of the burning in your mouth from eating spicy food?

I bit in to a chillie and although I love spicy food, want to be prepared for next time.

A glass of milk, or...a few beers to numb the pain..  (+ info)

How do i make my mouth stop burning?

I ate some chili straight outta the crockpot thing and i didnt wait for it to cool off and i took a bite and it burned the top of my mouth SO bad and it hasnt stopped for like a hour! btw it wasnt spicy or anything its just so hot and i was eating icecubes and drinking freezing cold water but it still hurts so bad..how you stop it? THX!!! IF YOU HELP

Persist with drinking freezing cold water, it will die out eventually. Or just attempt to sleep if the pains really bad as you don't feel pain whilst sleeping.  (+ info)

Why does drinking any water make my mouth burn and give me abdominal pain with burning in my stomach?

I can drink coffee,bottled tea and ginger ale. I have gone to doctors and had a procedure to look in my stomach. Every regular test comes back normal. I am in a HMO. What test should I get done? I have experienced some less than sympathetic treatment from the doctors. Are there any doctors who deal with this sort of thing? This has been going on for two years and is getting much worse.

I have basicly the same thing,only my mouth doesn't burn,but,being a woman who cleans alot,I found out that I can NOT clean or do laundry with bleach. I am allergic to chlorine ,the stuff they put in town and city water to purify it. I am ok with well water and springwater.Being your mouth burns,you could have a worse allergy then I do,my brother does and can even be in air conditioning that uses freon,and he has to leave the house for a few hours when using bleach to clean or do laundry with,and he gets really sick if he drinks town or city waters. This is one thing that it could be.Hope it helps you.  (+ info)

i coughed and had a nasty taste in my mouth and back of my throat and had a bad burning pain in my chest?

the taste almost tasted like throwup or something and its burning the back of my throat and my chest.
i try to cough what ever it is up but it taste funky and it burns.
how do i stop this or prevent it and what is it?
what is this? heartburn?

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I get a burning sensation in my mouth when I eat really mature cheddar cheese. Am I allergic?

I would like to add that no other food, cheese or not, affects me in this way. It seems to me that the more mature the cheddar is, the more the sensation can be felt. It also leaves me with a sore patch on my hard palette and at the back of my throat. Not sure what it is. Weird.

I don't eat cheese much, but when I did I got that from strong aged cheese, too. It was more from blue cheese than anything else.

I never worried much about it and it never got worse.  (+ info)

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