FAQ - Brain Hemorrhage, Traumatic
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What are the noticeable effects of permanent brain damage from a mild traumatic brain injury?

Answer if your work specialises in this field or you are a victim of of a brain injury like me

my dad has brain damage,he isn't that old.
depending what area you hit your head,usually there is a bit of bleeding into the brain(subdural hemorrhage)
my dad had bleeding in the front:above the eyes:this is called a frontal lobe injury.
this effects his short term memory:things that he did today,or even 5minutes ago,he cant remember.
he gets angry and frustrated very quickly and swears.
if you had injury to a different area of the brain, you will have different symptoms.  (+ info)

Can`t Concentrate the same after mild traumatic brain injury?

Hi I`ve recently had a mild traumatic brain injury and been finding so hard to concentrate. I was diagnosed with ADHD and given Dextroamphetamine when I was 9 and the withdrawal affects of it made me really depressed. I`am now 15 and want to know what other drugs could help me focus as I`am having lots of trouble concentrating due to my head injury.

I've had similar problems.

I have ADHD and have totaled a motor bike with no helmet so..........

Where was I, lost my place.....hehehehe

Seriously, taking Omega 3 fatty acids can naturally help your concentration without bad side effects. You could try taking Tyrosine. That might help, too.

I like adderall but definitely it has some not so nice adverse effects.  (+ info)

How long after a brain hemorrhage has occurred should you wait before flying?

Please note that this is just a general question. I definitely have not had a hemorrhage, and would ask my Doctor if I had.

Ask your doctor. That is a question that can not be answered without knowing your medical history, and what medications you are on.  (+ info)

Can mild traumatic brain injury lead to permanent brain damage? If so, to what extent and how to identify it?

Even if there is no detectable permanent brain damage wouldn't there still be permanent brain damage even if it is to the smallest extent?
I had a mild traumatic brain injury (concussion). light-headedness lasted completely vanished after 3 weeks. weak concentration completely vanished after 3-4 weeks (although it is still not very intense). headache almost completely vanished after 4 weeks. still on-going sleep deprivation but only sometimes (it is now almost the fifth week).

yes it can. your symptoms however are going in the right direction. Statistically most people with mild tbis are symptom free by 6 months. I am an outsider to those statistics. I still have problems 5 years later. I think I am in a small group of either 2 or 4% of the people who still have problems after 6 months.

If you are still dealing with your concussion symptoms, you should still be under a neurologist's care. Preferably one with expertise in brain injuries. That kind of experienced doctor will be able to help you through your recovery.

Good luck and I hope you have a speedy and full recovery!  (+ info)

overdose of iron can increase the blood pressure levels, and it can cause brain hemorrhage, is this true?

My friend tells me that overdose of iron suppliment can increase the blood pressure rate in humans particularly in old age peoples and in some cases it leads to brain hemorrhage.Is this message given by my friend is true?

sounds like it
look up iron over dose on yahoo.google
or ask jeeves  (+ info)

Can you give yourself a brain hemorrhage stroke through strain?

Hi there.

I've got constipation (that's not the problem) and so any defecation involves IMMENSE strain, the sort you can feel the pressure in your head. After more than a week of this, I feel dizzy, "out of it" and have difficulty finding words (though that could just be in my head). I'm definitely not as eloquent as normal.

Is it possible that in the strain I've burst a bunch of blood vessels in my head? I know it's possible to have an asymptiomatic stroke, could that be me? What does it take for little vessels in the brain to burst?

When you strain at a bowel movement, you're performing what's called a "Valsalva maneuver". As you've noticed, if the pressure is held for long enough, one will begin to feel as if pressure were building in the head, followed by dizziness and lightheadedness upon release of the maneuver. This is probably because straining reduce venous blood flow back to the heart, and increase the pressure in your head (intracranial pressure).

According to the Merck manual, "Straining during a bowel movement increases pressure on the veins around the anus and can lead to hemorrhoids. Straining also increases blood pressure, which, although only temporary, may be extreme."

Death has been known to occur in cases where defecation causes the blood pressure to rise enough to cause the rupture of an aneurysm or to dislodge blood clots.

Also, there is a condition called Valsalva retinopathy, where blood vessels rupture in the eyes due to the pressure. This can cause blindness, which may or may not be reversible.

As someone else said, your best bet is to increase your fiber & water intake and possibly consider a stool softener such as docusate.

You should check with a doctor about your constipation. Some drugs (such as narcotic pain medications and anticholinergic drugs) and diseases (such as diabetes & Parkinson's) can cause constipation. Also, severe constipation can lead to fecal impaction, where the stool hardens in the intestine and blocks it up. This may require surgery to fix, and can lead to necrosis of the colon if left untreated.  (+ info)

Is It Possible for a 14 year old to have a brain hemorrhage/aniorism or heart attack?

Hey im 14 im just curious to know if a 14 year old could have a brain hemorrhage/aniorism or heart attack and if they can what causes it

it's possible  (+ info)

how long does it take to "get better" after a traumatic brain injury?

I had a traumatic brain injury 16 months ago and am still not feeling like "myself." It's hard to be positive about the future when I'm uncomfortable with "the new me." any suggestions or comments are appreciated

Brain injury is complex. Depending on the type of injury and the severity can all have an impact on what your personal recovery path might be.

Check out:
http://brainline.org/landing_pages/TBI.html, if anything it might be a good starting point for some research online.

There is a facebook group as well:

The facebook group has lots of personal stories and you might find someone with a similar experience on there.  (+ info)

Can anyone share with me the experience of your mild traumatic brain injury?

post-traumatic symptoms, effect on work or school, (please be detailed) ....
I am currently 2-3 months after the mild traumatic brain injury. My grades have fallen particularly in the social science area because of my impaired intuition.

Not exactly best forum for this question  (+ info)

How hard would you have to hit your head to have a brain hemorrhage?

I hit my head with the car door, but not very hard, and i'm a little worried about having one.

it is probably nothing serious but if it doesn't go away for a while you might want to ask someone about it, I hope it's nothing serious my sister had leukemia and I went with her to the
saint Jude's hospital and I saw a little girl with a brain tumor in her head and I hope that you won't have to go through the pain she had to go through. but as I said before it's probably nothing serious but I'll be praying for you.  (+ info)

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