FAQ - Alzheimer Disease
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Alzheimer Disease===!?

= describe how the muscular and skeletal system are affected
= describe the disorder and how it affects the body
= prevention
= treatment or cures
= how many Canadians are affected?
= who is most likely to get the disorder
= any other interesting info

Thanks folks
This is very important! My grandma might have alzheimers and i need to know this shit! ANSER ME OR I WILL FIND WHERE YOU LIVE ALL OF YOU!

The best place to get information s the Alzheimer's Association.
-There is no cure at this time.
-The treatment consists of various drugs which slow down the progress but do not stop it.
-I don't believe it directly affects muscles or skeleton. It is basically a form of brain damage. The brain atrophies away, memories are lost, including eventually how to speak and eat.
-My dad has it; you can read my blog for a personal account.  (+ info)

What are my chances of getting Alzheimer disease?

I am schizophrenic thus take antipsychotics. What are my chances of getting Alzheimer disease knowing that I have no history in my family but do have a grand mother that is senile? I am scared to death of Alzheimer and believe me it is far more wrost than mild schizophrenia.

if yo live to be 85 you have a 50\50 chance of getting Alzheimer's
It seldom affects those under 65, so 90% of all Alzheimer's patients are senior citizens. As a matter of fact, the number of cases of Alzheimer's is doubled for every five years in people over 65.
By the numbers, 1% of the population has AD before 60 years old, 3% between 65 and 75 and a whopping 40% plus at 85 years old.

someone else in your family has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, your chances creep upward. The condition is thought to be passed along genetically. It's not definite that you will develop Alzheimer's, even if your grandmother, your mother and your mother in law have it, but that puts you at high risk statistically.

More women than men have Alzheimer's, by about 1.2 to 1.5 times - at least according to some studies.

Less formal education
Some studies show this as a factor - however, since most people who have Alzheimer's are elderly, most of them grew up during a time when "higher education" was only available and deemed necessary for the smaller upper class.

Low levels of B Vitamins
It seems that especially B12 and folate levels make a difference in your chances. Since B vitamins are necessary for good nerve function, and our bodies easily secrete any overload of them, taking extra B Vitamin supplement is a sensible hedge against this risk factor.

High levels of homocysteine
This a sulfur-containing amino acid that's found in the blood. If you have too much, you increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Again, B12 and folate supplements seem to be in order.

Head injury
If you've had a head injury at any time in your life, your chances of getting Alzheimer's disease is higher.

But no one's quite sure yet if this affects Alzheimer's  (+ info)

What would you do if you found out that your spouse had Alzheimer’s disease? How would you accommodate the dec?

What would you do if you found out that your spouse had Alzheimer’s disease? How would you accommodate the decline associated with the disease? What help would you and your spouse need?

  (+ info)

Does the Alzheimer's disease follow the normal distribution for the age?

Does the Alzheimer' disease follow the normal distribution for the age?

In most cases - yes. Here is more information for you: Types of Alzheimer's Disease http://www.choiceeldercare.org/articles/Types_of_Alzheimer_s_Disease/  (+ info)

Would their child have a greater risk of getting Alzheimer disease?

If both parents have Alzheimer disease, will their child have a greater risk? And will their grandchildren have a greater risk too?

NO. Alzheimer's disease is not a genetic disease. If it were, there would have been millions more cases early in the century and that simply is not the case. Many diagnosed cases of Alzheimer's disease is not Alzheimer's at all. Some of the cases are due to liver flukes that have toxins in their waste matter that goes to the brain and causes symtoms that look like Alzheimer's. Many bad dental work with amalgam fillings and toxic root canals done by typical dentists using the "standard of care" that promotes using bad chemicals such as gutta percha and aniline chemicals for deadening nervers, as well as sanitizing chemicals that are very poor sanitizers like hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite that only kill about 30% of the germs, etc.

For a good look at a peer reviewed medical study that was done by the University of Calgary School of Medicine on how mercury contributes to Alzheimer's see the 5 minute video at:


good luck to you  (+ info)

What's the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's disease?

My late grandfather had dementia, but not Alzheimer's disease.

The Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

by David Roeltgen, MD

One question I am frequently asked is "What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's disease?" On one level, the answer to this question is relatively easy and straightforward. Compare the definitions of dementia and Alzheimer's:

Dementia is an impairment of thinking and memory that interferes with a person's ability to do things which he or she previously was able to do.

Alzheimer's disease is the common cause of dementia, and is particularly common in older people. Because it is the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer's disease is commonly equated with the general term dementia. However, there are many other causes of dementia.

Distinguishing Alzheimer's disease from other causes of dementia is not always as easy and straightforward as defining these terms. In practice, people and their disorders of behavior are far more complex than simple definitions sometimes commonly imply.

Alzheimer's: Microscopic Brain Abnormalities

Alzheimer's disease is a specific form of dementia having very specific microscopic brain abnormalities. However, in typical medical practice, we do not have the ability to see microscopic brain abnormalities.

History and Examination for Alzheimer's

Therefore, distinguishing Alzheimer's disease from other forms of dementia requires a doctor to establish certain background information (the history) and define a patient's abilities (the examination), and then perhaps obtain results from certain tests.

The last step is guided by the results from the first two. Alzheimer's disease is typically a slowly progressive disorder that involves memory for recent information (short-term memory) and one or more other abilities, such as speech and language, personality, decision-making and judgment or awareness and ability to interact with the environment.

A doctor attempting to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from another form of dementia asks questions about these abilities and examines them as well. Additionally, the doctor also asks questions about and examines abilities that are typically not impaired in a patient with Alzheimer's disease. These abilities include, among others, memory for information of long ago (long-term memory), vision, ability to feel things and muscle strength. In doing these things, the doctor is attempting to determine if the pattern of impairments that the patient has are typical or not typical for Alzheimer's disease.

CT Scan or MRI for Alzheimer's

After the history and examination are completed, the doctor will commonly obtain a scan of the brain, using either a CT scan or MRI scan. The scans look at brain large-scale (macroscopic rather than microscopic) structure. (Newer scan types are being developed to begin to examine brain function and microscopic structure. In the future, these are likely to help better diagnose Alzheimer's disease.) Also, the doctor, after the history and physical examination are completed, will commonly obtain certain blood tests. Which blood tests are obtained will depend on the background history and physical examination.  (+ info)

How do I know if my dad has Alzheimer's disease or just a bad memory?

Lately, my dad has been acting very strangely. His memory is leaving him and I'm worried because some would say that's the first sign of Alzheimer's. Although, he says he's ALWAYS had a bad memory.

How do I know if he has Alzheimer's disease or just a bad memory?

If it matters, he will be turning 66 in May.

I just did a report on Alzheimers and although bad memory does come with old age, it is very important to check up on it. First look up the signs and symptoms online, and if they are similar to the way your Dad is acting, its probably best that you go to the doctors.
A lot of people refuse to believe or even consider the idea that they have Alzheimers so it's important that you let your Dad know that you JUST want to make sure...
Keep in mind that Alzheimers runs in the family and if you have any past relatives with Alzheimers then it is even more vital that you take your father to the doctors. Hope that helped.
Check out this website, it has almost everything you need to know about Alzheimers: http://www.webmd.com/alzheimers/guide/default.htm  (+ info)

Does forgetfullness at a young age trigger alzheimer's disease at an older age?

I'm 14. Sometimes, i will be having a conversation and after saying hi to another person, i'll completely forget the topic. I'm guessing i have short term memory loss. The question is, does this forgetfullness at a young age trigger alzheimer's disease once i'm older?

Alzheimer's is hereditary so first try to find if your elder relatives had or has this disease. Forgetfullnes is easy to win: train your memory and be more attentive to another person.  (+ info)

What about the Phase III clinical trials with dimebon (dimebolon) in Alzheimer's disease?

These Phase III trials take a long time to complete. Meanwhile, is it impossible to use this drug under a compassionate use program just as we did for AIDS ? The only known advantage of Alzheimer's disease over AIDS is not being contagious. But costs are huge, perhaps more than associated with AIDS. Please DO NOT think only the patients, think the caregivers and social/medical burden of Alzheimer's disease also.

Well, I had not heard of dimebolon till you mentioned it.

I do know how hard it is to get Alz drugs of any kind. When my mother was first diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia, I was reeling in shock at the news. I knew nothing about it. I said to the specialist, "Is there anything to slow it down?" and was promptly shown the door! No answer of any kind, nothing. He just got up and opened the door. And I, in my shock, just went out of it like a lost sheep.

It was only afterwards that I discovered the NHS in the UK had a policy of not giving drugs to patients that were in the first stages.

But I kept on till I got my mother on Aricept. It proved to be very beneficial in her case, and even though it's reported to give only a couple of years more quality, it has kept my mother remembering who we all are for seven years now. Before that, she mixed up names and thought my brother was my father. And I am happy to say, she is doing well to date.

Considering the number of people suffering from this disease, and considering the devastation of it, I just find it unfathomable that any drug would be overly delayed in reaching patients.

I find it even more unfathomable that the cost of these drugs should be an issue. The banks have seen a big cash injection from the government. To me it's obscene that it denies patients a drug that can help just because of the money it costs -- a few pounds a week. And then doesn't even give them the option of buying it themselves.

Sorry to vent, but when it's a loved one, you can't help it.  (+ info)

At what age does Alzheimer's disease can start to affect a human?

I just want to know how old so then I can warn people before I ever get Alzheimer's disease, which if I get

There is no set age.

There are two types of alzheimers, regular, and early-onset.

Early onset can affect someone at any age in theory, but generally shows in the late 40's-50's crowd. As far as regular alzheimers, it can show any age beyond 60.

There is no cure for alzheimers disease, I lost a grandmother to it. Warning someone will do no good, if someone is diagnosed with the illness, then it just runs it's course, the only thing family can do is be there for their loved one and help take care of them.  (+ info)

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